Yellowstone IV


Yellowstone IV lounge and wellness

Vitamins /Minerals

Vitamins are organic compounds required in minute amounts for essential metabolic reactions in living organisms. Vitamins are essential nutrients that our bodies need to develop and function normally. Currently known vitamins include ADEK, which are fat-soluble vitamins, and Vitamins C and B Vitamins, which are water-soluble.

People must obtain vitamins from food, oral nutritional supplements, or injections.

Vitamins are added to the intravenous solutions for restoration and replenishment, and people who cannot take them early have intestinal obstruction difficulties or when it is beneficial to reach high concentrations in the blood that are not easily achievable when taken orally.

Normal Saline: This is the primary fluid we use which contains sodium chloride dissolved in sterile water. It quickly rehydrates and works to help with most hydration issues, such as those stemming from diarrhea, vomiting, bleeding, and even shock.

Vitamin B Complex: This formula helps break down proteins and fats while converting carbohydrates into energy for the body. It’s also known to promote the growth of healthy hair and nails. The complex includes:

Vitamin B1: Also known as thiamine, vitamin B1 is essential  in carbohydrate metabolism; the requirement is higher in increased-carb diets.  Depletion occurs after three weeks of total absence of Thiamine in the diet.  It is vital in glucose metabolism to produce energy for the brain. Thiamine deficiency is seen in a disease called Beri Beri and can be depleted by alcohol intake.  Necessary for the neurological and cardiovascular systems.  Magnesium deficiency decreases body thiamine levels and disrupts Thiamine function.  Deficiencies of vitamins B-6 and B-12 result in reduced tissue levels of Thiamine. Folate deficiency causes malabsorption of Thiamine. 

Vitamin B2: Also known as riboflavin, vitamin B2 is essential in energy production, cellular function, and metabolism of fats and drugs. Mostly absorbed in the proximal small intestine, necessary in supporting ongoing micronutrient metabolism. It can improve iron status and weakness. It may improve migraines in combination with Magnesium, Rboflavin, and Coenzyme Q 10.  Also, very important in detoxification.  It helps cells produce energy and aids in proper respiration.  It fights depression, insomnia, indigestion, muscle fatigue, and skin issues.

Vitamin B3: Also known as Niacin, is the generic name for Nicotinic acid and related derivates. It is used by the body to make (NAD) &(NADP).  About 200 enzymes require NAD and NADP to function. It is essential in producing ATP.  It also plays a critical role in maintaining cellular antioxidants. Readily absorbedi after IV infusion.  It helps with nervous system, may help depression, dementia, migraines. Helps lower triglycerides levels, helps increase HDL. May cause flushing, which is a result of vasodilation of blood vessels, is the most common side effect.  help with mood swings, depression, nausea, constipation and muscle weakness.

Vitamin B5: Also known as Dexpanthenol. Vitamin B5 Functions as a component of Coenzyme A, therefore, has major influences on the synthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates and fatty acids plus aides in the synthesis of steroid hormones and hemoglobin.  Vitamin B-5 is very important in the last step of the formation of acetylcholine a neurotransmitter in the parasympathetic system.  Helps maintain the normal functions of the intestines.  Also, very useful in helping depression, insomnia, decreased immunity, low potassium.  Works to soothe Adrenal Glands and promote faster healing of wounds. Prophylactic use immediately after major abdominal surgery helps to minimize the possibility of Ileus.

Vitamin B6: Also known as Pyridoxine, Vitamin B6 acts as a Co-Enzyme in metabolic reactions for carbohydrate, lipid an amino acid metabolism. B6 deficiencies can be induced by malabsorption and malignancies. Vitamin B-6 plays an essential role in brain function because all neurotransmitters are synthesized and metabolized by B6 dependent enzymes.  These Neurotransmitters include Serotonin, Taurine, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Tyramine, Histamine, and GABA.  Also, very important in immune function, promoting lymphocyte and Interleukin-2 production.  May help with symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome.

Vitamin B12: B12 functions as a coenzyme for DNA synthesis in the metabolism of amino acids and lipids.  Primary forms of cobalamin are Cyanocobalamin, Hydroxocobalamin ,Methylcobalamin ,Adenosylcobalamin.

Hydroxocobalamin  is preferred in IV use because of higher and longer B12 levels.

Methylcobalamin is the active form required to convert Homocysteine to Methionine. Very important for nervous system function, B-12 needed for producing new blood cells, DNA and insulating nerves.  A lack of vitamin B12 leads to fatigue, brain fog and rapid aging.  Many adults are deficient in this vitamin because it’s poorly absorbed in the stomach when taken with medications such as antacids, antibiotics and Aspirin.

Vitamin C: A great immune booster and antioxidant, Vitamin C helps fight off illnesses while neutralizing harmful chemicals in the body. Too long to list all the important functions of vitamin C, here are few principal functions: collagen production, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, supports chemo effectiveness for cancer patients. Maintains function of neutrophils, lymphocytes, phagocytes, neurotransmitter synthesis, adrenal hormone synthesis.  Improves stem cell production, enhances immune function, protects the P 53G.  Also used for a quality-of-life enhancement and much more.

Glutathione: GSH is a tripeptide synthesized from the amino acids' Glycine, Glutamic acid and Cysteine. GSH is synthesized in all mammalian cells cells, as well as in plants, and is the most abundant non- protein Thiol acting against oxidative stress.  Glutathione plays a key role in redox signaling as well as xenobiotic detoxification; it helps regulate cellular proliferation, apoptosis, immune response and cytokine production. GHS insufficiencies are seen with many declining health conditions. GSH may help in Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Male Infertility, Parkinson's Disease, Cancer Chemotherapy, Neuron-Regeneration and Peripheral Artery Disease. 

Magnesium: Mg is an essential electrolyte and mineral; it is the second most abundant intracellular cation. It takes part in more than 500 metabolic processes. 50% of the body Magnesium resides in  tissue cells with 49% in the bone and 1% present in blood. This cation plays a critical role in the transfer, storage and utilization of energy within biochemical pathways. Low Magnesium intake  and  low blood levels are associated with type two diabetes, metabolic syndrome, elevated C/reactive protein, Hypertension, Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease, Sudden Cardiac death, Osteoporosis, Migraine Headaches, Asthma, and Colon Cancer just to name a few.  Also useful for combating Anxiety, Stress, Insomnia, Inflammation and Constipation.

In 2005–2006, almost half 48% of the United States population taking less than the required amount of magnesium from food, which was down from 56% in 2001/2002.  Because you're a magnesium does not mirror intracellular magnesium, which compromises  more than 99% of total body magnesium, most cases of magnesium deficiency are undiagnosed.  Moreover because of chronic diseases, medication, decreased in food magnesium content , and increase  intake of processed foods, most people in modern societies are at risk for magnesium deficiency. Magnesium helps regulate blood pressure, beneficial in the management of Migraines with Nausea, Photophobia and Phonophobia symptoms with or without an aura. Magnesium is very important  for type two diabetics for it is required for both glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. There is a whole library about Magnesium on the Internet please have a look.

Zinc: Zinc plays an integral role in a myriad of biological functions.  It is a component of over 100 Metallo-enzymes, functioning to stabilize the enzyme structure, or acting as a catalyst.  Plays an essential  role in immune function, proteins synthesis, wound healing, gene expression, sexual maturation, fertility, membrane function, microcellular activity, and cellular division. One of Zinc’s most important biological process is providing structural integrity for Zinc Finger Proteins. These proteins are protrusions of proteins that interact with other molecules, Zinc Finger Proteins allow transcription factors to copy DNA molecules into RNA.   Zinc deficiency in adults may manifest as Anorexia, loss of smell or taste, brain fog, hair loss, depression, oligospermia , hormonal abnormalities, abnormal wound healing, and impaired immune function.

Pepcid: This powerful antacid decreases the amount of stomach acid present in the human body, helping treat stomach and intestinal ulcers.  It also helps fight acid reflux and prevents heartburn caused by indigestion.

NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide): Famously known as the Anti-Aging Enzyme, NAD is also a source of energy for the cells.  It helps with DNA repair, gene expression, maintaining chromosome integrity and the proper functioning of Mitochondria. Everyone is born with enough NAD+, but it slowly diminishes with age, and the best way to replenish it is through IV infusion.

Toradol: Toradol is the brand name of a pain medication called ketorolac Tromethamine.  This NSAID is a short-term treatment for moderate to severe pain symptoms.  Toradol decreases the production of prostaglandin, a naturally occurring compound that causes inflammation and pain at the site of tissue damage or infection.  Toradol can also help reduce swelling and fever.

Glutathione IV Therapy Info Sheet

 What is intravenous therapy for Skin Brightening?

 Intravenous therapy for skin brightening is a breakthrough in brightening and cell defense: A combination of powerful anti-oxidants such as glutathione delivered with vitamins, minerals and fluids hydrate the skin and reduce melanin production. After a series of treatments a lighter fairer skin tone may result. Glutathione is an extremely effective antioxidant comprised of three essential amino acids. It plays a major role in helping your liver detoxify harmful chemicals by binding to the toxins, facilitating their easy elimination. The body produces glutathione naturally, and research has shown healthy intake of Vitamin C boosts its production. If glutathione levels are normal, the body’s ability to fight neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease is strong. If Glutathione levels are low, you are susceptible to a revolving door of conditions.

What if I am healthy, can I still use IV Vitamin Therapy?

 Yes, prevention is the key. IV Vitamin Therapy will aid in maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Most of us are exposed daily to numerous toxins, so IV therapy will help keep our circulatory system clean, which in turn will prevent many common conditions like arteriosclerosis, joint disease and some cancers. By doing this, we are helping the body get rid of substances that would normally not know how to “digest” or “break down”.

How is Glutathione Used for Skin Lightening?

Skin color is determined by the production of melanin, which is produced by melanocytes in the bottom layer of the epidermis. Increased melanin in the body means the darker the skin will be. Glutathione inhibits the melanin production therefore reduces the concentration of pigmentation. As a result, it lightens and evens the skin tone. Glutathione can also be used in combination with Vitamin C as an even more potent formulation that slows the rate of free radicals that damage collagen and cause skin dryness, fine lines and wrinkles. This powerful combination deposits evenly throughout the body when given via IV to eradicate oxidative damaged cells (which cause skin to darken) and lighten the skin naturally, safely, & evenly.

Why are Glutathione intra venous infusions better than oral Supplementation for Skin Brightening?

The only downside to glutathione supplementation is that when taken orally, the gastrointestinal system breaks much of the glutathione down into its 3 component amino acids before it can be absorbed into the system. This means that you must take much more glutathione than the effective dose to make sure that you are getting a sufficient amount into the system. This is where IV Glutathione supplementation comes into play. By taking glutathione intravenously it is possible to get the supplement directly into the body in its original form, bypassing any of the degrading processes associated with oral supplementation. For skin brightening, this would seem to be the only reasonable method. Attempting to take a sufficient amount of glutathione for skin Brightening through oral supplementation is wasteful and may be ineffective due to the breakdown of the digestive system. 

Benefits include:

  •  Whiter Skin
  • Removal of skin blemishes (Scars, pigmentation, uneven skin tones)
  • Production of collagen to enhance elasticity Eradication of acne, blemishes and pimples
  • Enhanced immunity
  • Improved energy and reduced fatigue
  • Improved quality & texture of skin
  • Enhanced radiance, glowing, and moisturized skin
  • Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles 

How often should one have an IV glutathione Skin Brightening Therapy? 

For skin brightening, it is recommended to undergo IV infusions twice a week for two to three months in order to get the full benefit. After this period, infusions can be done weekly until you reach the desired skin tone and results. Shortly after, one session every month to maintain the results they achieved. Intravenous Glutathione Skin Lightening Treatment can lighten your skin evenly. Glutathione is administered via IV and is able to deposit evenly throughout the body. Glutathione will swop up the oxidative damaged cells (which cause skin to darken) and lighten your skin naturally, safely, evenly and in a healthy manner.

What is Glutathione? 

Glutathione is a very powerful anti-oxidant. It rids the body of free radicals, toxins and oxidants. Aside from the skin lightening/whitening capabilities of glutathione, glutathione also assists with detoxification pathways of the liver, and prevents oxidative damage.


Why should you get IV therapy if you are having surgery?

Lack of proper nutrition delays wound healing and leaves surgical patients more vulnerable to surgical complications. Studies show that most people have some level of nutrient depletion. For example, one in four Americans are at risk for poor absorption in the gut leading to nutrient deficiencies, meaning that the food you eat does not get digested and absorbed normally. Many more Amencans are at risk for reduced nutrient levels because of food choices and the Standard American Diet. Both fast food and processed food (essentially any food that is packaged and has an ingredients list) contain “empty calories” which are nutrient-poor. 

By providing optimal vitamin supplementation before and after surgery we can positively influence how well you heal. This is especially true in an obese or overweight patient. The risk of death from other medical conditions increases significantly as weight increases. Patients who are poorly nourished, obese, and diabetic are particularly prone to surgery-related complications, including wound infection and poor healing (bad scarring).

Most Americans consume diets too high in calories and low in essential nutrients. We are known as a malnourished and overfed population. More than 70 percent of American adults do not get even two thirds of the RDA for one or more nutrients consumption of fruits and vegetables is very poor. American meals, loaded with packaged, processed, nutrient-poor foods, contribute to marginal deficiencies that result in a shortage of vitamins and antioxidants that are particularly important to surgery patients undergoing anesthesia, trauma, and wound healing. Deficits in micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) such as zinc, selenium, and vitamin B6 have a negative influence on the immune response. Replacing these nutrients before surgery can have a significant and measurable effect on results by favorably reducing free radicals caused by surgery and anesthesia, increasing the immune system, reducing bruising and swelling, and promoting better wound healing. 

The importance of optimal nutrition is so that your systems work at their peak efficiency. If you are undergoing surgery, you want peak immune function to prevent infection, peak clotting function to reduce bleeding and bruising, peak protein synthesis for collagen formation and repair for better and minimal scaring .

Deficiencies of even a single nutrient result in altered immune responses even when the deficiency is mild. Obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases of metabolic and nutrition imbalance can have a significant negative impact on surgical outcomes and complications. Vitamins and minerals, such as carotenoids (orange in carrots), vitamins A and C, and selenium act as antioxidants. This is important, as during surgery it has been documented that the blood and tissue levels of nutrients decrease while the body’s requirement for them increases.

What do they tell us to do before surgery?

 First we are told too fast, so we are already depleted. Then they also have us stop all vitamins and supplements two weeks before surgery. We are severely depleted before we start. There are some nutrients you do not want to take since they can increase bleeding risks, but others are essential to healing. Undergoing surgery with reduced nutrition increases your risk. Surgical patients with malnutrition are two to three times more likely to have both minor and major surgical complications such as decreased wound strength (where the wound can open back up), increased rates of infection, delayed wound healing, increased inflammation, increased bruising, and increased risk of death. The length of hospitalization can be extended by 90 percent compared with the length of stay of well-nourished patients

Major surgery itself increases the risk of malnutrition because of the stress and resulting increase in metabolism using up nutrients to rebuild. This is made much worse if the surgery is on your digestive tract because digestion and absorption are further reduced. This is especially true far obese and overweight patients who are having bariatric (stomach bypass) surgery, because studies show the presence of nutritional deficiency (due to unhealthy diet) before surgery, which is made worse by bypass surgery.

Plastic surgery outcomes are also profoundly affected by pre and post operative nutritional status. The number of patients with pre-existing nutritional deficiencies and health problems who are seeking cosmetic surgical procedures is growing. Pre and post operative IV nutrients supply your cells with the nutrients, co-factors, vitamins and minerals necessary for their peak functioning, so that your risk of complications is diminished and your healing is optimal. It generally consists of one nutritional IV before the surgery and one after, as well as supplementation by mouth. The specific components and possibly the number of nutritional Vs will vary depending on pre-operative health, nutritional status and other considerations.

Some nutrients required for proper healing include vitamin A, vitamin C, B vitamins, zinc, selenium, magnesium and copper. All but copper is included in fairly high doses in the IV so the body has all of these essential nutrients for repair. If a patient has an emergency surgery they can still benefit from IV therapy after surgery to improve the healing process There are numerous reports that show significant improvement in surgical outcome with pre and post operative nutritional. In one study, 30 surgical patients who received nutritional support had an 85 percent reduction in infections compared to 30 surgical patients given placebo. Because these patients were randomized, there was no pre-operative distinction in their nutritional status. In another study, wound healing in nutritionally deficient patients given nutritional Is was better than wound healing in healthy surgical patients that did not get IVs. These results alone have profound implications for all patients undergoing surgery. I pre and post operative nutrition can decrease bruising, swelling, inflammation, pain, scarring, and infection rates. It will also improve wound healing and recovery time, especially for that person choosing to have elective cosmetic surgery -you want the best outcome with the least scaring.

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